In the framework of the activity, the project partners are going to organize desk and field research in order to identify systems and good practices that have already been implemented at the global level. This activity aims to allow the partners to learn from the different live-streaming methods used during the pandemic. The tasks that are going to be organized are the following:
Preparation of guidelines and templates for the collection of best practices related to the live streaming of theatre performances : In the framework of this task, the leading organisation is going to develop a document which will
include: aims and objectives of the research, criteria for the identification and selection of best practices, templates for the registration of the best practices, a questionnaire for the field research etc.
Desk and Field Research for the Organization and Collection of best practices: On the basis of the
guidelines document, the partners are going to make desk and field research for the identification and registration of best practices. The desk research will include the review of secondary sources (practices published in the Internet, articles in press and magazines, literature review etc). Field research activities includes contacting the organisations responsible for the best practice and conducting of interviews to collect more information on the best practices. All the best practices collected are going to be recorded on specific templates.
Preparation of a guidebook with a collection of best practices. The partnership is going to collect all the best practices identified by all partners, make a synthesis and develop a draft guidebook (in English)